Saturday, May 26, 2012

Summer Urban Gent

Well well well, Malaysia certainly does not enjoy the 4 season weather but when June hits, unconsciously I feel the heat from Summer has arrived. (Although Malaysia is always that HOT!!!) So, what are wearing during this 'Season' without getting sweaty?

Dressing up without fearing to endure the heat is a very tough mission indeed as you want to look good under the sun probably, especially when you're going out for a casual lunch, or shopping.

What I'm gonna share with you is something simple and comfortable, yet with S-T-Y-L-E!

First of all, Chino Shorts! Looks easy right? But let me tell you something, if you get the length wrong, you're screw! Sometimes, people just doesn't realize that the length is actually affecting your entire look because to them, they are all the same, just another casual SHORTS. You end up looking like an adult with kiddo size attire and  if your SHORT pants is too LONG, it makes you look short! Is a No No to me definitely.

The safest length would be anywhere just past the knee or slightly higher. That's the safe zone dude! 

Another thing you have to be aware of, your shoes. No Sliper Please! People tend to be too casual and they forget about their shoes! You gotta match all the way down to your feet, you don't want to ruin your effort right? A pair of Canvas or Sperry Top Sider would definitely be my choice.

Sperry Top Sider


Match it with a stripes Tees.
Or go Smart Casual with Cardigan and Tie. Looks Awesome! 

Basically, when you get the bottom rights, you'll get your tops right. You can try Checker Shirt too, looks nerdy!

Till then, enjoy the Summer!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The Urban Gentlemen

Have you ever heard of 'Urban Gentlemen'? I have just discovered this style not long ago on the web while I was searching for new style for my photograph session with my friends and we love it!! Let's walk through together on what is 'Urban Gentlemen' and how does it look like.

It all started with this blog call 'The Urban Gent' where it provide fashion tips and guide for the men only. This style is originate from urban America and has been wide spread since then. Is kinda hard to track down when exactly this style has been founded and when is it become so well adapt but 'The Urban Gent' site was founded back in 2008.
The Urban Gent style is about individual trying to express themselves with different personal attitude by  developing their own personal sense of style (Urban Young Trendsetter) and less copying the designer's style. These urban young trendsetter is the attention grabber on the street, i mean, look at the way they style, can you spot one easily?
Kanye Crews
Don. (aka deadstock don)
Taz Arnold. (a rapper/artist, has a line called Ti$a)
Chris Julian. (Owner FRUITION in Las Vegas)
Kanye West.
Fonzworth Bentley.(host of from g’s to gents)
Virgil Abloh. (a creative force/ PASTELLE designer of sorts)
Ferrai Murakami. (his barber) (not featured here)

Talking about Kanye West, he is one of the icon of Urban Gent.
Needless to say, every single Gentlemen here has their own sense of style which portrays different personality and each of them does grab our attention. I do notice one thing which is the color combination but this is where you have to crack your head to make a perfect colour match or else it'll scare off the Ladies! 

A few note for you to refer if you would like to be an Urban Gent:

1. A modern day gentleman.
2. A certain wardrobe style.
3. A stylish well-mannerd man with swagger. He has knowledge of proper etiquette and grooming. 

p.s: Swagger is to move with confidence, sophistication and to be cool. Swagger is to conduct your self in a way that would automatically earn respect. 

Well, it looks easy at the beginning but sounds hard at the end. However, don't be afraid of trying, it might gives you unexpected result! 

till then, ciao~z! 

'The Urban Gentleman is the modern gentlemen. He is a man of style, class, and culture.'